Saturday, April 13, 2013

8 Ways to Boost Your Fertility

There are some things you can do before and after your surgery to boost your fertility and ensure your body is in the best shape for conceiving.
Because most of our tubal reversal patients are eager to get pregnant, we've compiled this list of 8 ways to increase your fertility.

1: Watch your Weight: We all know that being overweight can cause health issues, but it can also cause fertility issues. Excess fat may cause certain hormones in your body to overproduce. This can lead to irregular periods and less frequent ovulation. Being underweight can also pose problems. A body weight that is too low can inhibit ovulation and make it difficult to maintain a pregnancy once you have conceived. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. Talk to you doctor about a healthy weight for you.

2: Eat Well: A balanced diet helps ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals needed to boost fertility. Eat foods rich in iron, protein, and vitamin C. Deficiencies in these nutrients may cause less frequent ovulation and an increased risk for miscarriage. A daily multivitamin can also help give you an extra boost.

3: Quit Smoking: Toxins from cigarettes can damage a woman's eggs, which can hinder the fertilization and implantation process. Cigarette toxins can also cause premature aging of a woman's ovaries. Yikes! The sooner you quit smoking, the less damage to your fertility you will do.

4: Chart Your Cycle: Begin counting on the first day of your period to know how long your cycle is. When you begin your next period, you have completed a cycle. A normal cycle lasts 25-35 days. If yours is longer or shorter, talk to you OB-GYN to try to determine the cause. Also, use a home ovulation kit to know when you are ovulating. Having sex every 36-48 hours in the 5 days leading up to ovulation helps boost the chances of conceiving.

5: Relax: Stress and depression may throw off your body's hormones, making your cycle less reliable. Studies have shown that women are less likely to conceive during months that they report being stressed out. Learn to manage stress through relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga.

6: Cut Out Alcohol and Caffeine: Recent studies suggest a link between alcohol consumption and decreased fertility. Additionally, a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that women who drank two cups of coffee per day were twice as likely to miscarry as those who don't drink caffeine. We suggest playing it safe and removing both from your diet.

7: Have Regular Sex: We all know sex is a primary factor in fertility. Too often, however, couples only have sex around a woman's ovulation window. While this is the best time for conception, don't limit yourselves to that time period. Having sex throughout the rest of the month may boost fertility. Weekly sex can help you produce more estrogen. Doctors also theorize that men release hormones during sex that stimulate your reproductive system.

8: A Healthy Mate: Many of the factors that influence a woman's fertility also affect a man's. Smoking, drinking alcohol, eating poorly, or being overweight can lead to a decreased sperm count and poorer sperm quality. A daily multivitamin will ensure he's getting enough vitamin C, E, and selenium, which all contribute to healthy sperm, as well.